Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Webinar 6th of June

LCC will be showcasing the new website with information on about the population health that may be useful for VCSE organisations when creating funding bids and looking for information on resident groups.

Book Now

We would love for you to join us for an Introduction to the Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, to expand on the summary information attached.

The webinar will be held on: 

Tuesday 6th June 

10.00 – 12.00 

Via Microsoft Teams 

During the session we will help you to understand 

  • What the JSNA is and how it can be used 
  • New features of the 2023 JSNA 
  • How to access and navigate the Lincolnshire Health Intelligence Hub and JSNA 
  • How you can be involved with the JSNA 

The session is open to all individuals, from across the sectors, with an interest in enhancing the health and wellbeing of Lincolnshire residents. Feel free to share this information amongst colleagues and networks who may have an interest in this topic.  

Please let us know that you are intending to join us by booking here.