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LVET Member Benefit – Member Events!

One of our LVET Member Benefits are our Member Events!  We have monthly Virtual Member Meetings and regular Member Learning & Development Sessions too!

On this page you can find previous meeting information (slides, recordings, agendas etc.) as well as upcoming events in the future, and the chance to have your say on future meeting themes!  For our upcoming LVET Conference 2025, please visit the dedicated conference page!

What are they?

Monthly Member Meetings

Our monthly member meetings are a great chance for LVET members and partners to come together virtually!  We hear from a couple of speakers on a given topic to share different perspectives (which naturally generate different discussions), hear from you on some of the current and predicted challenges and opportunities (and what we can do about them) as well as share things happening from around the county!  Each meeting varies with what we talk about, so do come along if you can! 

We vary the times and days of the meetings throughout the year to try and accommodate the various working patterns people have, as well as record the meetings too for people to catch up with after if they’re not able to make it.  

Learning & Development Sessions

Our Learning & Development Sessions are more focused discussions on specific topics where there is an element of learning or development, either as a person or for the organisation you work with.  

The frequency, duration and topics for these all vary throughout the year, and often come from members suggestions and comments.  

Examples of Learning & Development Sessions over recent months include Income Sprint – Generating new ideas to maximise and diversify income, Case Study Writing Workshop and Impactasaurus – measuring Social Impact in the VCFSE sector. 

Upcoming Events!

Monthly Member Meetings
Learning and Development Sessions

Past Events!

Click on the images below to see more information, such as recordings and presentation slides!