Latest News and Downloads
Primary Care Networks: briefing paper for VCSE sector organisations
The information in this resource is for any group or organisation in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, including umbrella bodies and networks. It explains a new way in which health and care services are being organised locally across all of England: primary care networks (PCNs).
Lincolnshire Health & Care Survey
Does your organisation support people with their wellbeing, or provide services helping people with their health and care in Lincolnshire?
We want to hear your views on the challenges and opportunities facing your group or organisation moving forward.
Please complete our survey, which could take you around 15 minutes, to help us map the state of the sector in Lincolnshire.
By completing the survey your organisation is in with a chance to win one of three donations of £100 for your group or organisation. Winners will be announced at the VET annual conference on the 19th March!
VET Context: Slide Deck
Here is a slide pack setting out the background and nature of VET as an initiative.
Draft framework for measuring Community Spirit
In December 2018, Royal Society for Public Health in partnership with Locality were commissioned by the Health Foundation to develop and test a framework and indicators to understand and measure community spirit.
This document is the testing prototype of our framework and it draws on existing literature, experts and the views of the public to better understand the factors which make up strong and healthy communities, in particular the facets which make up community spirit.
The framework is intended for any individual, group or organisation with an interest in improving health and/or wellbeing of communities. Whether they are community organisations, commissioners, or community leaders they are all encouraged to use this framework to support their communities.
King’s Fund Healthy Communities
Working in partnership, The King’s Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund will support up to six local areas for up to four years, helping to develop more effective partnerships between voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations and the NHS and local authorities in their area.
The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the United Kingdom, will provide substantial grant funding to build capacity and enable areas to invest in new approaches and new ways of working in partnership.
The King’s Fund will provide bespoke support to each area, such as facilitating work across the local health system, providing evidence of how best to integrate care and support in a place, and challenging organisations to think differently. The King’s Fund will also distil learning from the areas taking part and share it more widely.
Applications for Healthy communities together are due to open in spring 2020, and the pilot areas will start work later in the year. The programme is open to applications from groups of VCS and public sector organisations working together in a local area in England and is designed to target areas experiencing the most disadvantage.
NCVO Creating Partnerships for Success
This best practice report just published by NHS England and NCVO sets out good practice and references our work as VET in section 1:
Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team Annual Conference – 19.03.20
Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team Annual Conference
Thursday 19th March 2020
9.00 – 16:00
New Life Conference Centre
25 Mareham Ln, Sleaford NG34 7JP
Reserve your ticket at:
9.00 – 9.30 | Arrival – tea/coffee | |
9.30– 9.45 | Welcome | Chris Wheway – Chair VET and CEO St Barnabas Hospice |
9.45 – 10.15 | Guest Speaker and Conference Chair | Professor Richard Parish, Chair, National Centre for Rural Health and Care |
10:15 – 10.45 | Speed Intros – all delegates | Led by Ivan Annibal |
10.45 – 11:15 | The New Institute of Rural Health – University of Lincoln. | Professor Mark Gussy, Global Professor in Rural Health and Social care |
11:15 – 11.45 | Mapping the Sector in Lincolnshire | Ben Barley, CEO, Voluntary Centre Services |
11.45 – 12.45 | Lunch and networking | This will also involve and ask an “Expert” opportunity with people badged to represent their knowledge |
12.45-13.15 | A Sector Led VCS Strategy for Lincolnshire | Sarah Fletcher, CEO, Healthwatch |
13.15– 15.30 Afternoon Workshops 45 mins in duration running three times | ||
Workshop 1 | Capacity Building Support | David Fannin CEO, Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service |
Workshop 2 | Measuring value and demonstrating impact | Dr Jessica Sellick and Ivan Annibal, Rose Regeneration |
Workshop 3 | National Best Practice Around VCS Health and Care | Carrie Mckenzie, Voluntary Partnerships Programme Manager, Voluntary Partnerships Team, NHS England and NHS Improvement |
15.30 – 15.45 | Summing Up and Next Steps | Michelle Jolly, Vice Chair VET and CEO Age UK, Lincoln and South Lincolnshire |
15:45 – 16.00 | Tea/coffee and networking |
BGU ESF Grants Programme
Please find the attached the flyer and website link for the new ESF grants programme managed by BGU.

There is a booking form for attendance at the launch on the 9th January.
There is also an expression of interest form on the website for any contacts who may be interested in applying for an award. These will be small organisations and charities (3rd sector) with a turnover of less than £5 million and less than 49 staff. Projects are aimed at supporting those who are inactive in the labour market or unemployed. There is certain eligibility criteria which we will explain at the launch event.
VET Strategy Workshop 11 Dec 2019
Please find below the presentations and notes from the VET Strategy meeting held on Wednesday 11th December.
Please save the date for a conference to be held on 19th March 2020.