Services for Cancer Patients – HOPE & Fighting Fit!

HOPE is a 6 week wellbeing course for patients that have finished their cancer treatment. It offers peer to peer support, relaxation techniques, fatigue management and helps support people on how to move on after having cancer. It is starting in Lincoln on the 6th October, 10.00am – 12.30pm at the St Barnabas Wellbeing Centre, Hawthorn Road, Lincoln. HOPE is starting in Boston in November, and running again in Lincoln in February, if people are unable to make the October dates.

HOPE Poster October 2022

There is also Fighting Fit, a physical activity offer of 10 free sessions designed to help people regain or maintain physical activity during or after cancer treatment. This runs weekly at Lincoln at the Yarborough Leisure Centre, and from January will be available from Gainsborough’s West Lindsey leisure centre also.

Fighting Fit Poster October 2022