Health Inequalities
VCSE Grant Fund

LVET, on behalf of the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), is pleased to announce that a new grant to help Lincolnshire VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) organisations reduce health inequalities is now open for a second phase!
The Health Inequalities VCSE Grant Fund is open for a second phase for VCSE Organisations and projects working with what is known as ‘Core20Plus5’ populations. This is the 20% most deprived parts of the Lincolnshire population (according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation) and also the 5 health issues or conditions that have the greatest impact on the lives of people in Lincolnshire.
Useful documents linking to health inequalities include: Kings Fund, NICE and NHS England.
What are Health Inequalities?
Health Inequalities are ‘avoidable, unfair and systematic differences in health between different groups of people’.
Announcing phase 2 of the VCSE Health Inequalities Grant Fund
Following the first phase call for projects and activities, we are pleased to say 10 projects across Lincolnshire were successful in their applications to the VCSE Health Inequalities Grant Fund. Some successful applicants, such as the Lincolnshire Nappy Library are working countywide, and some work in smaller specific communities. Most successful applications were from organisations working in urban areas though some such as Glint and The Askefield Project are more rural.
In this second phase of funding we would like to focus on supporting activities and groups that work with your coastal and rural communities, however you are welcome to apply no matter where you work in Lincolnshire.
Do you have an idea to start, improve or expand a group or activity that will:
- Improve access to health services, groups or activities?
- Reduce negative experiences of health services?
- Help people to live their lives more healthily?
If you can answer yes to one or more of the above, then this fund could be for you!
Who should apply?
Are you a project or organisation working with adults in communities, groups or as individuals who may be:
- Homeless
- Living in rural and coastal communities
- Gypsy, Roma and Travellers
- Temporary / Seasonal Residents
- Military personnel, veterans and their families
- From ethnic minority backgrounds
- Carers
- Sensory Impairments
Or are you working with children and young people who may be:
- From ethnic minority backgrounds
- Children in care or care leavers
- In the justice system
- Not in education
- Open to social care
- Living with Learning Disabilities, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Neurodivergent (including autism)
- Carers
- Sensory Impairements
How much is available?
As with the first phase proposals are invited for funding up to the value of £5,000.
You may make a joint application with either 1 or 2 other VCSE organisations for a total of, £10,000 or £15,000 respectively, if a partnership approach will add significant value to your proposal.
What can we use the money for?
We know that a huge amount of the work done to tackle health inequalities is carried out by very small voluntary and community groups working in their communities. We also know it can be hard for these organisations to access unrestricted funding.
The grant may be used to:
- expand something you already do, perhaps offering it in other places or at different times to meet changes in demand.
- develop and test something new on a small scale
- sustain existing provision that may otherwise close (yes, it can cover core costs!)
How do I apply?
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 3rd April 2024. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by Friday 19th April 2024.
We are trying something slightly different in this phase. The form is shorter and in a different order. If you applied before but were unsuccessful, make sure you check the updated guidance above.
Want to ask a question?
We are running 2 Q&A Sessions over Microsoft Teams (no registration necessary – just click on the link below at the time advertised).
Thursday 14th March 2024 at 1pm – 2pm – Click here to join the meeting
Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 9.30am – 10.30am – Click here to join the meeting
All Q&As will be uploaded after onto this page.
Anything else I should know?
You will be asked to monitor and report on your activity or group. We will work with you to agree a small number of outcomes such as how has it helped the people you work with to access services? How many more people have you worked with? And possibly some specific measures that relate to the type of health inequality you are looking to have an impact on.
Launch – Thursday 7th March 2024
Online Q&A Session – Thursday 14th March 2024 at 1pm – 2pm
Online Q&A Session – Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 9.30am – 10.30am
Closing Date – Wednesday 3rd April 2024
Panel Date – Thursday 18th April 2024
Feedback to all applicants – By Friday 19th April 2024
Start Date – Flexible (within 1 month of award)
For more information, please contact Emily Ward on or phone 07888 330294.