In 2021, Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team (LVET) identified both support for people experiencing Long Covid, and NHS staff who have personal caring responsibilities. Funding was identified through the NHS Charities Together (the funds raised by Captain Tom were donated to this charity). You can watch this video to find out more about NHS Charities Together.
The projects that were funded in Lincolnshire are:
(1) Supporting Resilience and Wellbeing in individuals with lived experience of Long Covid / Post Covid and
(2) Supporting Resilience and Wellbeing in NHS staff who are informal carers.
Hearing, learning and sharing is achieved through co-production (services and people with lived experience developing together ideas and potential solutions) and engagement (a two-way process that enables sharing of experiences and ideas / solutions, including through surveys). Doing this well will lead to broad involvement and people being able to see how their views, ideas and suggestions have contributed to activities / services and / or improvements.
By clicking on either of the boxes to the left, you can access the findings of surveys undertaken and what happened next (a document captures what people have said so far, and what has happened as a result). You can also find out how to get involved in co-production or share your thoughts and ideas by contributing to any future surveys. Hearing people with lived experience and learning & sharing from their experiences has shaped the activities so far; we look forward to hearing more from you.