Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
The Police and Crime Commissioner has previously commissioned Leaders Unlocked to undertake the Youth Commission, an engagement activity that allowed young people to raise concerns and local issues. Resulting recommendations raised by young people were shared with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Lincolnshire Police and partnership agencies.
The Stronger Voices Project, led by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioners Safer Together Team will develop further the work of the Youth Commission by engaging with 11-21 years olds who live in Lincolnshire; empowering them to speak in an environment where they feel comfortable to raise local issues openly.
Lincolnshire Strong Voices will be running FREE sessions in schools and the community which will aim to;
- Give young people a voice raising policing and crime issues from their communities
- Challenge & inform the work of the PCC
- Challenge & inform the work of Lincolnshire Police
- Help to make your community a Happier, Healthier and Safer Place to Live!
The sessions will be facilitated by a member of the Office of Police and Crime Commissioners Safer Together Team. Following each programme, feedback will be gathered, and a report will be shared with the community, the OPCC, Lincolnshire Police and Partners.
The Strong Voices project is a great opportunity for young people in Lincolnshire to make a difference to the community around them by influencing real change. It is also a great addition to their CV’s, University and College Applications, as well as being a fantastic overall project, letting young people be involved in actual change.
We would be grateful if you could share amongst partners who may have an interest in the program, the more young people who get involved, the better!
If you would like some more information about the Strong Voices Programme, or would like to express your interest, please email the Safertogetherteam@lincs.police.uk