For professionals who work with parents
The Money and Pensions Service hugely successful programme, ‘Talk Learn Do: Parents Kids and Money’ demonstrates that supporting parents to develop the confidence and skills to talk to and teach their children about money can positively impact on the financial wellbeing of both parents and children. Since 2016, we have worked with over 1,500 professionals across the UK to deliver TLD to parents and carers they support. We are now looking to upskill more professionals so they can deliver Talk Learn Do to parents they work with.
What is Talk Learn Do (TLD)?
TLD is a facilitator led group session that encourages parents of 3–11-year-olds to talk to their children about money and create opportunities for their children to experience managing it. The programme provides parents with tools, ideas, and fun activities to help include money in everyday conversations and activities.
With the increase in personal finance related news and ongoing cost of living pressures, there continues to be a demand for financial wellbeing work with parents and training for professionals who support them.
We are working with Campaign for Learning and Quaker Social Action to expand our training programme for professionals who support parents across the UK. The training is free and open to organisations across the UK. Each organisation will initially be allocated one training space on a first come first served basis. Further spaces to be allocated if available.
• Weds 16th November
• Wednesday 23rd November
• Wednesday 7th December PM
• Thursday 12th Jan
• Tuesday 17th January
• Wednesday 8th February
The workshop sessions are expected to run for three to four hours with breaks in-between.
Training will take place virtual
Participants will be expected to take part in an optional short survey before and after the training. This will help MaPS to understand the effectiveness of the training.
For further information and to indicate interest, please send an email to Evelyn Omoike: