NHSCT Long Covid Co-production – Survey
Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team (LVET) have gained funding through NHS Charities Together (includes monies raised by Captain Tom) to support people who have, or had, Long Covid or those that care for them, in Lincolnshire.
In December 2021, we worked with people affected by Long Covid together with health professionals (Lincolnshire Long Covid Co-production Group) to develop a survey. We asked people to tell us about their experience of Long Covid and to let us know their thoughts and ideas for how the funding would be best spent.
The response was amazing, and it told us lots of really helpful information – you can find the results of the survey here – https://lvet.co.uk/long-covid-what-matters-to-you/
Again working through the Long Covid Co-production Group, we want to ask more questions about people’s experience of Long Covid and what is needed. Whilst funding is limited, we will use the results of the initial survey, and of this one, as contributions to the development of support for people with Long Covid.
The deadline for completion is 31st May 2022 however responses received after this date are still welcome. Findings will be made available, after analysis and reporting, on the LVET website – https://lvet.co.uk/
Children with Long Covid Survey – https://forms.office.com/r/cfYb1aS3CR
Adults with Long Covid Survey – https://forms.office.com/r/fvyGh19X9D