You may be aware Lincolnshire has created a Cost of Living Challenge Task and Finish Group to address the current economic climate and its impact on households and businesses etc. LVET is part of this work and a member of the T&F Group. This has led to the development of 4 subgroup workstreams: Warm Spaces, Economic Resource, Food Support and Communications. We have attached a draft document for the subgroup responsibilities and keen to have further voluntary sector representation across the four groups. There will be LVET representation for the wider voluntary sector perspective, but it would be good to have local VCSE sector groups involvement and to be able to share this opportunity with other voluntary and community sector organisations across the County.
If you are unable to get involved for whatever reason in the above subgroup streams, there will be opportunities through LVET to share your thoughts and get involved that way.
If you would like to be involved or have any questions, please email ( with your name, organisation, job title and which of the subgroup you are interested in by Friday 18th November 2022.
All Working groups will:
- Working Group Lead to coordinate with the other subgroup chairs to share knowledge, report progress and emerging concerns collectively to the Lincolnshire Cost of Living Challenge Group
- Working Group Lead to report progress to the Lincolnshire Cost of Living Challenge Group
- Working Group Lead to report emerging concerns to the Lincolnshire Cost of Living Challenge Group
- The four subgroup leads will meet on a fortnightly basis to update on progress, share learnings and respond to feedback regarding emerging pressures. An update from this meeting with be shared with the Cost of Living Challenge groups ahead of the fortnightly meeting.
- Each subgroup lead will approach nominated and required colleagues representing organisations form the Cost of Living Challenge group to create the working the specific groups to take actions forward
Draft responsibilities of the 4 Subgroup Workstreams:
Warm spaces: Claire Moses/ group members to be established
Economic Resource: Martin Walmsley/ group members:
Food Support: Nova Roberts/group members to be established
- Provide a link to the objectives set by the Lincolnshire Cost of Living Challenge Group and pressures identified from all key stakeholders.
- Provide localised feedback on challenges to the access and supply of food and use of Food Banks
- To understand how the districts and stakeholders can further support residents accessing the Food Support
- To understand how the districts and stakeholders can communicate and signpost to Food support
- Co-ordinate activities in response to the actions directed by the Lincolnshire Cost of Living Challenge Group
Communications: Joint leads Sarah Curtiss and Steven Welsby/group members to be established
- To provide targeted communications directing people towards helpful local and national resources and links
- To work with other CoL group chairs to ensure consistent messaging is delivered in a consistent manner across the county
- To liaise with partners and ensure messaging is clear and concise and doesn’t promise anything that can’t be delivered
- To ensure all communications are delivered in an empathetic and positive way were appropriate
- To build trust with customers that the advice they are receiving is balanced and not biased in any way
- To analyse what is being done to communicate support nationally in order to learn from previous campaigns to get the best possible outcome
Membership to each group to be finalised (those already confirmed detailed below):
Warm Spaces
Lead: Claire Moses, South Kesteven District Council
- Paul Carrick, City of Lincoln Council
- Nichola Holderness, South East Lincs Partnership
- Diane Krochmal, West Lindsey District Council
- Evonne Rogers, North Kesteven District Council
- Sian Wade, Transform Lincoln
- Karen Whitfield, South Kesteven District Council
Lead: Martin Walmsley, City of Lincoln Council and North Kesteven District Council
- Paul Carrick, City of Lincoln Council
- Sue Fortune, Lincolnshire Community Foundation
- Simon Hawking, Acts Trust
- Caroline Killeavy, Lincolnshire YMCA
- Graham Metcalfe, Department for Work and Pensions
Food Support
Lead: Nova Roberts, West Lindsey District Council
- Carol Drury, South Kesteven District Council
- Jon Hinde, InvestSK
- Evonne Rogers, North Kesteven District Council
- Grant White, West Lindsey District Council
- Amy Colley, Lincoln Food Bank TBC
Leads: Sarah Curtiss and Steven Welsby
- Patrick Astill, South Kesteven District Council
- Abi Cuffling, West Lindsey District Council
- Other TBC from NKDC (Hannah Williams or Helen Pack)
TBC Representatives from City of Lincoln Council, , Boston Borough/East Lindsey/South Holland District Council