Every One – making wellbeing personal – Smart Tech Survey
As part of person-centred care, care closer to home, prevention and inclusion, we have been commissioned by the CCG for the ICS to support one of its digital partners, Helicon Health, with some early discovery-phase work.
They are looking towards a possible future that involves patients with a range of specified conditions (does not include Dementia but does include mental health, adult frailty and long-term conditions, multiple conditions, CVD and heart failure, stroke prevention, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinsons)
We would like to hear from patients and their family carers about some basic things at this early stage. What we want to begin to understand is:
- How familiar people are with ‘smart’ technology, – mainly here we are talking about diagnostic things similar to ‘Fitbit’ watches, phone apps, patches or similar ‘wearable’ devices.
- The diagnostic tools would help people monitor their own conditions and could be linked to their GP or Health Specialist. Might this be useful for people?
- What do people feel are the opportunities and challenges with this, the pro’s and con’s for them?
- To what extent would people be prepared to use such a device – if so, why; if not, why not?
Please follow the link to complete the survey. https://bit.ly/3Ke93Yx