Lincolnshire NHS Maternity Services Roadshow
Park Springs Community Centre in Gainsborough
Thursday – 15 June
Lincolnshire NHS Maternity and Neonatal services will be hosting a free event at Park Springs Community Centre in Gainsborough on Thursday June 15th from 10am to 3pm.
The event is open to anyone who is pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or has recently given birth, as well as their partners and families. There will be over 30 services there to provide support and resources for attendees, including midwives, health visitors, infant feeding programme, children’s services, financial support, perinatal mental health support etc. Including health advice, Dad pads, financial and parental support, mental health support, advice on vaccines, breast and bottle feeding, smoking cessation, fitness for pregnancy, career advice, and more.
There will also be children’s activities, including face painting, free refreshments for the adults and lunches for the children.
Additionally, the event will feature a food and clothes bank, free activities and lunches for children, and refreshments for adults. Please pop along, we would love to see you there.
Here is a link to our Facebook post or you can find it to share on our Facebook page.