Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
LCPF Survey 2023
Our latest survey is out now and we need your help please.
Please note that whilst we are using paper versions for some distribution we would encourage Parent Carers and SENCos to use the E-Survey system if possible (not available on some mobiles (landscape view helps) but designed for tablets and Desktops)
Link here
Why should I complete it?
For SENCos, settings and schools
- You will be assisting in measuring and evidencing the “State of SEND in Lincolnshire”.
- Ofsted are very interested in how education settings are “engaging with and participating” with parents of children with SEND – this could be used as evidence.
- The views of SENCos will be available to LCC and Education settings (anonymised) with analysis of what is working and what may need attention. You Voice is important – make it heard!
- Highlight common trends SENCos have e.g. being time poor
For Parent Carers
- Assisting in measuring and evidencing the “State of SEND in Lincolnshire” with their own views and experiences of services.
- Helping gather evidence rating most services relating to SEND from their own experience.
- An opportunity to receive a Max Card if they register with LPCF (Similar to Student Union Cards but for Families with Children with SEND – some excellent discounts available) N.B. LIMITED STOCKS!!!
How can I help ?
- For SENCos – please make sure your school SENCo team complete a SENCo survey form or complete online (after 9th Jan 2023)
- We need you to tell us how it is for you as a SENCo in Lincolnshire at present.
- SENCos are the critical link to parents, especially ensuring that those who are hard to reach, have a chance to be heard by distributing the survey as widely as possible.
All Professionals and SENCos
- Please promote the survey to parents and encourage them to complete a survey – it only comes around every two years and this is a really IMPORTANT opportunity to share their views and experiences.
- All schools will receive an initial distribution pack through the post, but let us know if your pack does not arrive by mid January
- Any other professionals wishing to promote to parents – just let us know if you need paper forms or a template letter for parents pointing them to the E-Survey.
- Additional copies of the paper survey / documentation are available on request. (How many and where)
- Copies of the Surveys in PDF format are on the Survey’s initial home page
We have tested the paper and E-survey formats with parents and each survey only takes 8-10 minutes to complete and can be done online.
If you would like LPCF to come along to a coffee morning or event in February with your parents to encourage them to complete it and let them know why it is so important please let us know.
This is where you get the chance to tell us how it really is.
Please don’t miss your chance.
Thank you for your support.