LSCP Child Exploitation Stakeholder Survey
As part of the LSCPs Quality Assurance work on the effectiveness of MACE we are seeking the views of practitioners, managers, and core panel members on their experiences of our MACE processes, and response to exploitation in the County across the partnership, including training and policies/procedures.
We want the views of those who have submitted screening tools, used the Op Insignia form, attended training, have attended MACE, but also those who just have an awareness of these processes. To this end, the link to our Child Exploitation Stakeholder survey is below. If applicable to you and your role, we would be grateful if you could take a moment to complete:
Child Exploitation Stakeholder Survey (
The survey will remain open until the end of October and amongst other things, will be used to inform our training, provide evidence of any identified gaps, and understand the practitioner experience of MACE.
The findings will be presented back to the LSCP CEM Subgroup.