Money Guiders’ Survey
If you find yourself talking about money with your clients or service users, we’d like to hear from you.
You might be a frontline worker helping customers/service users with money related issues, or a leader in an organisation that delivers money guidance in some way, for example in health and social care, housing, voluntary or community organisations, or local government. We’d like to hear from:
- anyone who provides any type of information about money, whether or not this is officially part of your role
- anyone based in the UK across all four nations
- those working with young adults through to older and retired people.
The Money and Pensions Service is sponsored by Government and is committed to ensuring that people throughout the UK have guidance and access to the information needed to make effective financial decisions. As such they are keen to make sure they are doing all they can to support you and others in similar roles – to do this they need to learn more about YOU! We’d appreciate if you would take about 5 minutes of your time to complete a series of questions about you and your role, where you work, your customers/service users, your attitudes and perceptions relating to talking about money and your training preferences.
To access the survey please click here:
The information you provide will be analysed by independent researchers Harlow Consulting and reported to the Money and Pensions Service anonymously. If you have any queries about this research, please contact Joanne McGillan at Harlow Consulting – or