NHS Lincolnshire Public Consultation – Still time to have your say!
NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) began a formal consultation exercise on the future of four NHS services on the 30th September. This 12-week public consultation runs until the 23rd December 2021 and will enable people from across the county to have their say on how these services might be delivered in the future.
The services being consulted on are:
- Orthopaedic surgery across Lincolnshire
- Urgent and emergency care at Grantham and District Hospital
- Acute medical beds at Grantham and District Hospital
- Stroke services across Lincolnshire
To date, we have received feedback from events held in Boston, Sleaford, Grantham, Lincoln, Skegness, Gainsborough and Spalding alongside attendance at market days and voluntary group meetings across the county. There is still plenty of time to get involved at our forthcoming face to face and virtual events listed below. People joining the events will have the opportunity to ask questions and give their feedback as they hear from clinicians who will explain the proposals. 24/7 virtual events which include content from the live events are also accessible through the website at www.lincolnshire.nhs.uk.
This is our largest public consultation to date. We are listening and in response to feedback received, we will be hosting an additional event in Louth at the Mason’s Arms on the 14th Dec.
Everyone is encouraged to get involved and have their say on what future NHS services in Lincolnshire may look like. Please help us to further raise awareness of this consultation and increase participation by signposting and sharing the link to the questionnaire and attachments which provide detailed information on the proposals.
If you have any meetings or events you would like us to attend or provide further information for please let us know by using the contact details below.
You can complete the questionnaire here: https://www.lincolnshire.nhs.uk/get-involved/our-campaigns/changes-to-nhs-services/complete-consultation-questionnaire
If you, or someone you represent, has a question or would like to request the attached documents in a different language, please contact lccg.asr-enquiries@nhs.net or 01522 421860 Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
Events Schedule
Face to Face Events
Grantham, Sunday 12 December
Lincoln, Tuesday 14 December
Louth, Tuesday 14 December
Boston, Saturday 18 December
Virtual events
Thursday 16 December
Monday 20 December
Wednesday 22 December