It’s All About People
Join the members of the Lincolnshire Personalisation team on Thursday 17th November 10-11am for a virtual ‘I want a life not a service!’ workshop. Social Prescribing and community-based support are vital components of the NHS England Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care. In this workshop we will explore the value of community-based support and consider what it means for each of us, both personally and professionally.
Use this link or email and request to have the meeting invite emailed to you.
We are excited to be able to offer the following fully funded virtual training to all Lincolnshire patient facing staff in health, social care and the voluntary sector to assist you in your role when supporting people to improve their physical and/or mental health.
Motivational Interviewing – 1 day course
If you spend your life explaining what your patients should, could, must or need to do then this is the course for you. Motivational interviewing is a style of communication that uses a guiding/reflective style to engage with people, clarify their strengths and aspirations, and utilise their own motivations for change, and promote independence of decision making.
Friday 2nd December 2022 (9am-4pm)
Wednesday 1st February 2023 (9am-4pm)
Personalised Care and Support Planning – multiple bitesize sessions
Different types of treatment and care plans are often put in place for people. They can end up having multiple plans depending on how many long term conditions they have. The plans don’t often capture what’s important to the person and they don’t always make sense to them. Sign up for this Personalised Care and Support Planning programme to learn about Personalisation approaches in health and care, the importance of knowing what matters to people, Lincolnshire Initial Conversation Model and much more.
Cohort 9: Tuesday afternoons (2hrs) – starts 6th December
To find more information please visit Learning & Development :: Lincolnshire STP ( or to book your place please email