Technology Enabled Care
We would like to invite you to join our Personalisation Huddle. The huddle is an informal catch up of like-minded colleagues in health, social care and the voluntary sector to gain an understanding of what’s happening in the Lincolnshire Personalisation Programme. We plan on bringing in colleagues from other areas across England and Lincolnshire to showcase best practise in personalised care. The huddle is once every six weeks via MS Teams for 1.5hrs and the agenda will be sent out 2 weeks in advance. Feel free to drop in for all or the part of the huddle.
The next Personalisation Huddle is 9.30-11am on Friday 25th November and the focus is ‘Technology Enabled Care (TEC) – using technology creatively for increased independence, wellbeing and safety’.
Technology is increasingly a part of everyday life and is continually being developed, increasing the possibilities for how care technology and every day technology can be used by the people we work with to improve their lives and achieve outcomes. As professionals we increasingly have a role in ensuring that people can understand, access and use technology to enable them to achieve the outcomes they want from their lives. In this session we will share some of the learning from our Technology Enabled Care work within Adult Care, share some stories of people who are using technology within their lives and provide an opportunity for discussion and sharing of ideas relating to technology and how it can be used.
Click here to join the meeting or alternatively email to be sent a calendar invitation