safeTALK trained helpers recognise those with suicide thoughts and take action by connecting
them to appropriate support. Attendees receive a workbook, stickers, wallet card and certificate of
Livingworks trainings are the world’s leading courses in suicide intervention.
Tuesday 5th July 2022 from 13:00 – 16:30pm
The Meeting Room at the YMCA
21 Freeman Street
Grimsby DN32 7AB
£65 per place discounted to £50 per place for 4+ bookings
To book or for further information contact:
Mary Anne Crook : 07795 388330 Email: safeTALK ASIST 2 days.
Awareness. Hear the facts and understand the importance of talking openly about suicide.
Identification. Recognise when someone could be thinking of suicide.
Engagement. Ask clearly and directly in a caring way that encourages openness.
Understanding. Listen briefly and pass on for appropriate help.
Listen expertly for connections to life unique to that person.
Safety. Test connections to life to secure agreement to stay safe for now.
Planning. Create individualised plan to reduce immediate risk, use strengths and connect to appropriate supports.
You do not have to attend safeTALK before attending ASIST. safeTALK provides a basic level of training which is adequate for many people. I can advise on which training best suit your needs.
Training opportunity in Grimsby for everyone working with people facing personal challenges.
safeTALK 3.5 hour training in Suicide Alertness.
You can learn confidently to save lives from suicide
Interested in ASIST Training, or either course in-house for your workforce?
I am England’s most experienced ASIST trainer, having trained over 2,000 people, and holding Livingworks gold trainer status. I am self-employed, fully equipped and insured. East Midlands based, I deliver courses all over the UK to NHS, Local Authorities, Universities, The Military, MIND, and other not for profit organisations etc. My direct booking charges are well below those of many training organisations, some of which use me as a delivering trainer.
For further information contact:
Mary Anne Crook : 07795 388330 Email: