As a result of the conflict in Ukraine, increasing numbers of the population are leaving the country for safety reasons and seeking sanctuary in UK and other European Countries.
The UK Government has set up immigration arrangements which include:
Ukraine Family Scheme – if refugees came to the UK to join the household of a family member, it is important to note that this was done by mutual agreement and personal arrangement. The expectation is that refugees will continue to reside with their family for as long as they need that safe place to stay, or if they are able to source their own accommodation. Whilst the local authorities are not involved in that arrangement refugees may find some of the welcome information useful during their stay here.
Homes for Ukraine Scheme – those who offer a home to people fleeing Ukraine, are called a “sponsor”. They have registered their interest in being a sponsor with the UK Government. The sponsor’s offer of room(s) or a property is for a minimum of 6 months, but ideally for as long as “guests” need a safe place to stay. Guests will be able to live and work in the UK for up to 3 years and access benefits, healthcare, employment, and other support, some of which will be provided through the Voluntary & Community Sector and Faith Groups in the County.
People from Ukraine have now started to arrive in Lincolnshire and are being accommodated in one of these two schemes which are now operating in the UK.
To support the resettlement of refugees in Lincolnshire, the County Council has set up a multi-agency Countywide Ukraine Coordination Group to plan resettlement support arrangements working with Sponsors, Refugees, Refugee Groups, other Statutory Agencies, Community and Faith Groups.
The Ukraine Coordination Group has commissioned Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team [LVET] to formalise an approach which has a focus on developing communications, ensuring suitability and security of groups offering support, providing available & accessible countywide information & advice services, with requests for donations of financial support rather than goods, providing space for refugees to settle here and maximising their strengths and abilities. A Delivery Plan to support this approach is currently being developed to co-ordinate the work that Sponsors, Community and Faith groups are doing to support refugees to ensure there is a coherent and cohesive approach which avoids duplication.
The purpose of this communication is to:
- Provide an update on the work that LVET has been asked to do working in partnership with Sponsors, Community and Faith Groups and statutory agencies in Lincolnshire involved in the resettlement of refugees in the County.
- To obtain a comprehensive picture of what is happening in the County with Community and Faith Groups supporting refugees.
- Ask Voluntary and Community Sector and Faith organisations to provide us with information about what they are doing/proposing to do to provide support to refugees by completing the pro-forma below and returning it to the LVET email address.
For further information please contact Emily Ward, Project Development Manager on/phone [07888 330294] and email [] and if you know of any other Voluntary and Community Groups or Family Sponsors that might benefit from this communication can you please pass this onto them and provide us with details in the pro-forma below – many thanks.